Who is Xavier Olazabal?

Who is Xavier Olazabal?

Xavier is a bilingual facilitator, with more than 5 years of experience in different #breathingtechniques.

As a teenager he discovered the language of music and its magic, dedicating years to its study and practice, however his passion to learn more did not end there.

In 2018 she had the opportunity to attend a seminar in Joshua Tree, with Michael Baker, to live the Breathwork experience and since then radically changed her #style of health and life.

In 2022 she became certified in "Five Sense Collective" in order to share and spread the benefit of this #ancestralpractice.

His main goal is to help you reach the connection with the #innerpower, the absence of guilt and achieve a spiritual dimension that goes beyond the body and the ego.

Learn more about Xavier here.

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